Talk On Terri Irwin

Ann Stewart: This is just an awesome woman. I watched her last night on Larry King Live and I got to say I am a Terri Irwin fan. Did this woman not love and adore her husband, and it showed. Any woman that would trample though the wilderness, get bit by snakes and bugs, and have to wrestle wild beast like crocodiles all for love of her husband, is such a better woman that me. I mean, I love my husband, but I don’t know if I could do all that. My hat and my heart go out to her, over the lost of her precious handsome crocodile wrestling man. She’s raised some beautiful sweet kids too, who act so grown up and kind and caring in public. That’s one of the greatest accomplishments in it’s self. Good luck in your life Terri and I hope you and your children get all the happiness out of life that you can get. My children were a big fan of your precious Steve, and Terri I’m a big fan of yours. God ya bless all of you.
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